SEPTEMBER 21, 2014

- In Brazil's Pantanal, a jaguar relaxes in the shade of the forest on the river bank.

The Pantanal, located in the Brazilian states of Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul, is the world's largest inland swamp. It holds an amazing concentration of wildlife, including several endangered species such as the hyacinth macaws, and it's one of the few places you can still see jaguars in the wild. Spending four days here has been one of my favorite experiences in Brazil. There was never a moment without wildlife around me to photograph and each day concluded with a beautiful pantanal sunset.

- Hyacinth macaws on a tree branch.

- A caiman on the edge of a pond.

- Late afternoon in the Pantanal.

- A small female jaguar on the river bank.

- Playful giant river otters.

- A belted kingfisher on a tree branch.

- A brown capuchin monkey howling in a tree.

- Scarlet macaws perched in a tree.

- A beautiful pantanal sunset from the river.