FEBRUARY 19, 2015

- A light blue lagoon on the expansive Bolivian Altiplano.

The Altiplano, most of which lies in Bolivia, is a high-altitude plateau in the Andes mountain range. It's characterized by salt flats, lagoons, geysers, snowcapped mountains, flamingos, llamas, and vicunas. With an average elevation of over 12,000 ft, the clear skies hold a pristine blue color during the day and provide incredible views of the Milky Way at night. The striking mix of colors in this unique region were captivating and as a photographer, it was a visual paradise.

- The expansive Salar de Uyuni extends to the horizon.

- A beautiful lagoon in the Altiplano.

- The isolated rock formation of Arbol de Piedra.

- Laguna Colorada.

- James's flamingos in Laguna Colorada.

- A snow storm moves across the desert.

- Rocks in the Altiplano desert.

- Geysers in the high altitude desert.

- Evening sunlight on the Altiplano landscape.

- Kollpa Laguna.

- Sunset at Kollpa Laguna.

- The clear night sky over the Altiplano.

- A straight road cuts through the desert landscape.

- Colorful desert mountains in Eduardo Avaroa National Reserve of Andean Fauna.

- A valley filled with morning fog.