FEBRUARY 23, 2015

- Valley of the Moon and the Atacama Desert at dusk.

Located on the western side of the Andes, the Atacama Desert is the driest desert in the world, with some areas having no records of rainfall. However, despite the arid conditions, the desert still contains lagoons, small wetlands, and geysers fed by underground water sources. Additionally, unique features such as the Valley of the Moon, near the town of San Pedro de Atacama, create alluring landscapes that draw visitors from all over the world.

- The Geysers del Tatio shoot hot water into the cold morning air.

- A vicuña near the Geysers del Tatio.

- The Atacama Desert and Chilean Andes.

- Sand dunes in the Atacama Desert.

- The Valley of the Moon dusted in white from salt deposits.

- The Mars like landscape of Death Valley.