FEBRUARY 24, 2015

- The Aguas Calientes, Acamarachi, and Chiliques volcanos viewed from the top of Lascar volcano.

One of the most active volcanos in the Chilean Andes, the Lascar volcano sits in a line of volcanic peaks, several hours south of San Pedro de Atacama. Though the mountain's peak has been blown away by past eruptions, the highest point of the crater rim still reaches to an impressive 18,300 ft above sea-level. The climb to the top was strenuous due to the lack of oxygen in the air, but the views over the high Andean peaks and the experience of peering into the active crater were well worth the effort.

- The Aguas Calientes and Acamarachi volcanos reflected in a small lagoon at dawn.

- Approaching the southeastern side of Lascar.

- View of the Aguas Calientes volcano from the side of Lascar.

- Other hikers climbing Lascar.

- Looking out over the Chilean Andes.

- Smoke rises out of the Lascar crater.

- Looking southeast from the summit of Lascar.

- Vicunas at a lagoon near Lascar.

- The western side of Lascar.